Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 29

16 Oct 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
15:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: Orbit, Brestla A1, Brestla System.
CMDR Eric Vonsa POV

I have recently arrived in the Brestla System in orbit around Brestla A1. Falcon Delacy has released the Python MK 2 to the market for exclusive purchasers. I have just finished pulling a favor from someone who works in a shipyard located in the Brestla System. They are going to get me an upgraded model of the ship complete with every single system military hardened and engineering, if I supply the engineered modules. Designed with the same internal setup as my Cobra Mk 3, or at least as close as they can get it. My current python has served me well and will continue to serve until August 7th at the earliest when they expect the ship to be ready. It's not the deal I was hoping for, but it is the best deal I was able to reach. And considering the strings that need pulling to make that happen under the radar it makes sense. It is still very unfortunate however. I know some commanders in my squadron already have their hands on the ship. Then again they don't need to necessarily be conscious of how much attention they are gaining for their actions. If word of them spreads between system factions then it's usually fine. But right now I don't have that luxury. There's a faction that I need to avoid. Azimuth Biotech. Once the sector that Black Flight is operating from, at least in regards to my situation is identified then I will be able to do something about it. Imperial Intelligence believes it's a system in Imperial Space. Based off a report it seems like Operation Wych Hunt was able to inadvertently help me without realizing it. Once an effective plan is viable and a target identified, I can make a move on them and end this most of the sulking about and needs to go dark for long periods of time.
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︎0 Shiny!

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