Logbook entry

Trajectories 17103310

18 Oct 2024Swarthos
Briefing from CMDR SWARTHOS: Engagement Reports and Current Operations

Location: DESTRUKITON Fleet Carrier
Date: 17 October 3310

Situation Overview:

As I sit in the command chair of Fleet Carrier DESTRUKITON, I find it imperative to document a recent confrontation with the Thargoids that exemplifies both the triumphs and challenges of our operations. It was a day that tested both my skills and the resilience of my fleet, culminating in the destruction of over 100 Thargoid vessels. However, it also reminded us of the consequences that accompany every battle, as it ultimately led to the loss of my trusted Type 10 Defender.

Engagement Summary:

The engagement commenced near the designated hotspot for Thargoid activity. Our intelligence had indicated a high concentration of Thargoid interceptors within the vicinity, and a preemptive strike was deemed necessary. With the crew onboard and spirits high, I issued the command to launch an attack formation.

Within moments, my sensors lit up with enemy contacts. I quickly assessed the situation and identified my primary targets — the Thargoid Cyclops class interceptors. My squadron executed coordinate maneuvers with precision as we engaged the enemy. Utilizing the formidable weaponry of the DESTRUKITON, coupled with tactical missile launches and laser fire from my own ship, we rendered relentless damage upon the swarm.

Against overwhelming odds, the battle evolved into a symphony of destruction. I remember the moments vividly: the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I scored direct hits, watching as hull integrity markers plummeted, and seeing the epic fireball of a downed Thargoid ship illuminating the void of space. One by one, they succumbed to the firepower we unleashed.

By the end of the engagement, we had dispatched over 100 Thargoid ships. A resounding victory for our fleet, but as the dust settled and the last enemy vessel was confirmed destroyed, the specter of loss loomed large. In the chaos, my Type 10 Defender had suffered severe damage from a critical Thargoid strike, leaving me with no option but to abandon ship.

Salvage Operation:

In true military fashion, I was not about to leave valuable assets behind. After exiting my Type 10, I activated my emergency beacon and initiated a salvage operation. Conducting an EVA, I managed to retrieve critical components along with valuable cargo that remained intact within the ship’s hold. This salvage operation turned out to be quite successful, ultimately allowing me to recoup a portion of the resources lost during our fierce engagement.

Current Status:

Now, with a modicum of closure after that harrowing fight, I find myself operating cargo missions. Although I may no longer be piloting my Type 10, my perseverance remains unyielded. The DESTRUKITON continues to stand as a bastion of strength, facilitating essential trade and logistical support for allied commanders.

Cargo missions are crucial not only for resupplying my fleet but also for gathering vital intelligence and resources necessary for our ongoing war efforts against the Thargoids. Each cargo delivery is a step towards reinforcing our capabilities for future operations.


My experience serves as a potent reminder of the unpredictability of battle and the sacrifices demanded in our ongoing campaign. As CMDR SWARTHOS, I remain vigilant and ready. My resolve is strong, and I will continue to lead my fleet into the fray. The Thargoids will be reminded that although they may achieve fleeting victories, we, the commanders of the galaxy, stand united and unbroken.

For the next mission, I will ensure that our tactics are refined, our strategies improved, and our assets safeguarded. The war is far from over, and I intend to be at the forefront of each new engagement with renewed vigor. Until then, we prepare, we recover, and we fight.

End of Briefing
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