Logbook entry

Senator's Personal Log 05 (after CMDR'S Log 29 and before CMDR'S Log 30)

18 Oct 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
08:00 Universal Galactic Time
Senator Aurora's Private Lodgings, Capitol, Achenar system
Aurora's POV

Today has been proceeding well so far. I can't shake the feeling that something is about to happen though. It has been plaguing me all day so far. Something that was reported on Galnet. I'm sure it's nothing, but I admit I have a horrible sense of Deja Vu about this. Tetco has over the past few months proven that she has a knack for many things. Most of them technological. I now know why he kept her around. Her skills have been helpful. She has on a few occasions now proven that there are holes in my security. Holes that got patched almost immediately after she mentioned them. My entire staff here appears to be getting rotated out though. I find it slightly concerning. At first I thought that I was imagining it. But now I don't think so. The few times I have asked who approved the transfers I have been directed to Ambassador Delaney, or Senator Patreus's office. The only thing that either of them would say on the matter when I reached out is that I have a mysterious benefactor, who is assigning them. But wishes to remain anonymous which is why both of their offices are the ones handling the transfers and official paperwork. I don't trust this benefactor or the new additions to my staff, although the new staff has proven themselves to be beyond capable at their duties. Because of this I have been confiding more and more only in Tetco. She's been handling the strain well but I fear it's only a matter of time before she buckles under the weight of everything I'm asking her to do. She's already been ill a few times. Coincidentally, all of them were around and during the time another titan was killed. Which I suppose does sound suspicious now that I think about it.
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