Logbook entry

Approaching Shvets Biologicals

18 Oct 2024Pul Wat A
Hm. Moreau's Locus at least had an incomplete Inara entry. Shvets Biological Laboratory doesn't show up in Inara at all, by search or by ADS 8444 station list. curious. Oh well, if this is my last transmission then hopefully I've at least become (even more of) a biomechanical testament to humankind's hubris.

Docking request authenticated, approaching the pad...

Well, everything appears fine. Probably. The facility is far larger than Moreau of course, and all the interesting research is locked up tight. There's very little unlocked, even this terminal was hidden away in an unpressurized breezeway. Still, I'd describe the reception as polite. Perhaps even excited. By my notes this lab has been isolated for at least three years, and they seem eager to share their data.

Not with me, but I'm not offended. We all have our roles in the cooper- in the Syndicate. In fact, once I hooked them into our comms, they recognized my credentials and offered me some very interesting work.

As a skilled operative infosec is very important to me, which is why I definitey remembered to mark this log private. So it's definitely, probably, safe to mention that Ferreyra Horticultural might be participating in a mutagenic experiment very soon. hehe.
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