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CMDR Yumasai's Log #39 | Poor kid never saw it coming...

20 Oct 2024Yumasai
OCT 20 3310 | Jiman

Poor kid never saw it coming...

I will not say it was an easy decision.... pulling the trigger on a helpless target. But business is business. I will not forget, when the poor kid saw his ship going up in flames, only to look into the light of my huge plasma accelerators before being toasted inside his SRV. Yeah, you see, dear reader, I may be a criminal, but damn... I rather duel one on one than to give someone a fate like this. This was cruel.... perhaps too cruel... no... maybe it was not... in the end... the job had to be done...

For context, Harrison Wells placed an order on Mathew Holins earlier that day, after returning from a failed expedition attempt with the Nova Science Team, the research and exploration focussed arm of the Nova Navy. I don't know why, but from what I can gather, they were fighting Endurance Exploration in the rankings for being the best explorers out there for the current exploration season. I can only imagine that Harrison was not pleased with Holins' performance and as such wanted the lad terminated. But taking a fellow squadron member out himself.... that would be treason.

If only with a little bit of luck would have it, Harrison had a friend from the old times. A veteran from the Nova Imperium days. A traitor to the nowadays Nova Paresa, whom for the sake of utility, was allowed access to be called up for wetwork jobs. I am obviously talking about myself here. Harrison knew that the Consortium could take on such a job, so he send a telepresence comms request. I accepted whilst sipping some of that fine Harma Silver Sea Rum. Below, you'll find a transcription of our conversation:


Yuma "Yomar" Saideleer: Oh, I am pretty sure my corvette can kill him. But again, give me one good reason... They don't carry valuable cargo for the black market, and the 1 billion exploration data they are carrying? That is valuable to me, since it is data for another attempt. I rather not have Endurance walk away another time. Only reason I would engage Mathew right now is if someone would place a price on their head. Given that you are talking about a defenceless target here, it would be quite the pricetag.

Harrison Wells: 1 sandwich.

Yuma "Yomar" Saideleer: With or without Kumo Burger meat from them?

Harrison Wells: Okay, 1 sandwich + Tetone shashlik and Udegoci lahmajo...

Yuma "Yomar" Saideleer: I only need to hear if I am going to get Tetone shashlik next to the sandwich, brother. The lahmajo is optional. Is that included in your offer?

Harrison Wells: What about Cibola chay?

Yuma "Yomar" Saideleer: Okay... you know what... give me the total list.

Harrison Wells: Burger bread, lahmajo like meat consistency. Wuthielo Ku animal cheese. Cibola grown vegetables, with Cibola chay and Tetone shashlik.

Yuma "Yomar" Saideleer: ..... AGREED!

And so, I entered the Amber Pearl. Mathew had contacted me prior and shared his Galactic Position Signal (GPS) with me. Wouldn't be a better moment to have that available, heh. I tracked him down to Bandjigali, but Mathew noticed me as he was moving to Jiman. He wondered why I came in my warship. I told him that I was going to act as his escort since he was operating near pirate space. He bought into that, and I followed him to Jiman. Once there, he asked where he could find flush for Domino Green. I told the guy to check the planets. It was on Jiman 3 B that he spotted a crash site signal.

When we came down there, there was not much there at all. Except for a cargo pod and a few bandits around it. Mathew was worrying if they would shoot his SRV, but I told him to go out and engage; that I would go and blow up those bandits if they would threaten his SRV. Then... the difficult part started....

Phasing sounds... shields failing.... followed by loud bangs.... Mathew's Krait Phantom, stripped of all paint to the journey to Beagle Point and back to the bubble, reduced to dust. But I had to complete the job. Couldn't let Mathew call for a taxi... no... I had to do this quick and relatively clean.... I turned my two huge plasma accelerators onto the SRV, which now was turned around. I checked my comms, Mathew was very much shouting at me... I mean... who wouldn't?

I looked into the cockpit, and pressed the trigger. Two huge energy balls hurled onto the SRV. I don't think Mathew felt his death. The whole thing exploded instantly... job complete. I transmitted the evidence to Harrison Wells, and set course for Gullveti. As I docked, I went into the bar... I needed a drink badly.

I stare out of the window, looking through the mailslot... my former friend, now refusing to pay and saying that everything was "just a joke".... I wonder, when you place a hit on someone... is that a joke? Especially when u do so in the presence of a Kumo-affliate? No... we folk tend to take every job as serious as the work itself.... alas... I need some time to think and rest.... for certainly I have now burnt all my bridges with the Empire. I just hope that Mathew's death has not been in vain. The poor kid never saw it coming...

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︎2 Shiny!

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