Logbook entry

Enter a warzone: Battle of Sol and it's cores part 1

06 Dec 2024Andmos
"Drive is being intercepted, Captain!"

Captain: "Darn Thargoids! They’re relentless. Prioritize weapons and engines! We need to hit them hard and fast!"

Engineer: "Aye, Captain. Initiating power to weapons and engines!"

Captain: "Pilot, once we’re fully interdicted, I want you to execute a hard over. They’ll be coming at us from multiple angles."

Pilot: "Hard over, aye!"

Sensor Officer: "Contact! Sierra 1 through 4 are classified as scouts."

Captain: "Engage!"

Pilot: "Sierra 1 is down. Sierra 2 is damaged but holding. Sierra 3 is virtually dead in the water. Sierra 4 is engaging us."

Captain: "Focus fire on Sierra 4 for now, then move to Sierra 2."

Pilot: "VAMPIRE! Brace for impact!"

Crew: "Brace for impact!"

Pilot: "The buggers hit us with a caustic missile! Hull damage detected and worsening."

Sensor Officer: "Sierra 4 and 2 are down."

Captain: "Excellent! Let’s finish this!"

Pilot: "Sierra 3 is down!"

Captain: "Engineer, start clearing the caustic damage!"

Engineer: "Aye, Captain."

Sensor Officer: "Captain, I’m picking up something!"

Captain: "What is it?"

Sensor Officer: "Sensors detect a massive FSD anomaly heading towards us! My God, it’s an Interceptor! Designating target as Echo 1!"

Captain: "Full power to engines! Let’s get the hell out of here!"

Sensor Officer: "Sir, detecting high-energy surge from Echo 1!"

Pilot: "We’ve been hit! All power shut down!"

Captain: "Engineer, get us power back ASAP! Focus on thrusters and the FSD!"

Engineer: "Aye!"

Engineer: "Engine is back online!"

Captain: "Get us out of here, Pilot!"

Pilot: "Getting the hell out of here, aye!"
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