Logbook entry

Christmas Eve & Back to the Grind

24 Dec 2024Enigmarocket
CMDR Enigmarocket's log:

It's Christmas Eve and I'm stuck running missions for the Imperial Navy. You'd think, as a veteran of the Thargoid War and a savior of Sol, I'd have some time to celebrate. Unfortunately, the admiralty didn't see it that way; if I want to be a Duke by the new year, I'll have to earn it. I guess saving the homeworld doesn't come with a promotion. Still, the credits and drives are nice. Maybe next year I can make it back home for the holidays and take the family on the Imperial Cutter I've been contemplating getting.

My Jumpaconda, the RMS Dionysus, is due for an overhaul after our recent 15kly expedition. I'm sure she would appreciate some R&R of being stationary with a shiny new coat of paint. If I start steering away from suns and rocky surfaces, maybe she'll stop threatening to fly herself apart or explode. I don't know what her problem is; 150% heat is comfortable to me. Whatever. I parked her and acquired a new Type-8 so I could also haul a little cargo while running missions for the Imperial admiralty. Might as well make a little profit while I'm giving up everything for reputation and scraps of attention, right?

Ngalinn isn't a terrible little area; it's in the middle of nowhere, everything seems to be two jumps away except for the other backwater system of Mainani, and there's an air of resignation permeating the void. It's like the entire sector gave up and accepted that larger infrastructure just isn't coming this way. Anyway, the family thought that writing logs would be good for me and a way to keep all my adventures straight. I don't know if it'll build character, since I'm one already, but it gives me something to do while I wait in line to dock at the tiny outposts.

Merry Christmas, indeed.
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