The Ringed Quest for the Legend, part 5 - The local news
28 Dec 2024Claude Lecardunoie
... continued from The logistic
The Ringed Quest for the Legend was due to depart from Algorab on the 8th of december 3310, after a celebration and a parade of the expedition ships. I wanted to take part, but unfortunately, the outdated vocal comms system of my old Asp Explorer was not working then. For this kind of event, you need good synchronisation with your fellow pilots which is impossible without voice channel...
But I found a report from a local newsfeed. Had the events been less dramatic in the Bubble, then, in the beginning of december 3310, the expedition grand departure might have made the headlines of global networks, like Vox Galactica or Rewired... But, here is what The Algorab Stars had to say about it.
NOTE: The Algorab Stars news network main share holder is the Sidewinder Syndicate, the organisation controlling Algorab and also leading the expedition, which may explain the somewhat complacent tone of the article.
A message of hope for humanity and for scientific research
While dramatic events in Sol and in the surrounding systems are still ongoing, with hordes of Thargoids bringing death and destruction, "Hope and Science", that is the powerful statement that the visionary leaders of the Sidewinder Syndicate wanted to express, to the good people of Algorab first, but more globally to whole mankind across the Core Systems.
And what a better way to do so than the amazing parade set up by the Ringed Quest expedition pilots before their departure for months in the dark. Thousands gathered, here at Forbes Terminal, in the spatiodomes, to watch it live and on the main plazzas where public screens were broadcasting live video streams. Saud Kruger Dolphins and Belugas took off, hours before the event, for exclusive customers to have a closer view on the show.
Then, during the parade, all these people forgot, for a moment, the tragedies the Bubble had to go through these last two years, and especially these last days with Sol, the cradle of humanity, in peril of total annihilation.
It is with this threat in mind, that the expedition management decided to split the departure in two waves, with one of the two fleet carriers departure delayed to support war effort in Sol, proving once again, that when danger arises, the Sidewinder Syndicate answers the call.
The other fleet carrier, the SWS//Arc Raider left Algorab two hours ago, heading for Colonia and beyond. The goals: unveiling some of the galaxy scientific mysteries, finding new species and above all, new habitable systems. We actually have informations that a team of terraforming engineers boarded the Arc Raider at the last minute.
Of course, The Algorab Stars will keep our audience and readers updated with the Ringed Quest for the Legend scientific discoveries all along the expedition.
- Michelle Chevalet, head scientific columnist for the Algorab Stars -
- Forbes Terminal, the 8th of december 3310 -
As I said, due to my vocal comms system malfunction, I couldn't attend, but you can find some video footages of the mass launch posted by Commanders of the expedition, like for instance this awsome vid from the Cmdr Gadnok:
To be continued in The life onboard...