Logbook entry

Entry 1: War... and peace?

31 Dec 2024Chainsawninja5
Logbook: James M. Gray
Date: December 31st 3310

---Loading Audio Log---
"Audio log entry... one, James M. Gray of the Systems Alliance. The date... December, the thirty-first, I believe. If my Holo-clock is correct... I have, decided to try my hand again at recording my thoughts, so I may better process them. I apologize to any who may be reading this log now, my thoughts lately have been dark with speculation."

*There is a long pause, perforated with deep breathing. *

"Well... here we are.. The end of yet another year, the year that marks the end of the first Human-Thargoid war... Yes, the first war. At least, so I believe... and fear. If the thargoids have anything in common with us humans, I fear it may be a sense of vengeance. They knew to strike at Sol. Our home world, in order to send a message perhaps, perhaps thinking we would be... disheartened and lose the will to resist them. Though, it is clear they did not know that it would bring so many of us together. That it would promote a sense of unity between the human race as had never been seen in our lifetimes. But now, that looming, mutual threat is gone... and so is the spirit of human togetherness. We began turning on each other almost as soon as the last titan was destroyed and the thargoids, to our perception, fled our space. The Federation's hold on Sol and the core systems was weakened so greatly from the thargoids that battles now rage in Sol and Alpha Centauri, new fireballs bursting amongst the still burning wreckage of those destroyed by the thargoids. The Empire, the Federation, and even the Alliance, jockeying for control over the old neighborhood as a status symbol, a sign they were the ones who saved humanity's cradle or merely taking advantage of the power vacuum. I suppose it is our nature. Conflict, war, strife. I'm wondering if it is also in theirs. If they are blaming each other for their losses, their dead titans looming in our space and the lost lives aboard. If they're seething as one at this defeat while plotting their return. Or if they're merely hiding, licking their wounds and hoping that we don't chase them back to their worlds to commit a cosmic sin and burn them out, to ultimately end them. Perhaps we should, maybe it is the only way we can ever be sure the threat they pose to us is gone. Not assault them out of vengeance... but necessity... is that what they did to us? Did our meddling in the Pleiades threaten their species' existence? Or were they merely being overzealous, reacting disproportionately to our proximity. We never did fully understand their messages, their broadcasts, we just have speculation... Ultimately, I have no facts other than; we won a reprieve at the least, we survived the known titans, and that Sol is in human hands being fought over for better or ill. This is cause for celebration and remembrance. Honoring those who fought and died for us all. I know I will. On a much... much lighter note. It is also a time to appreciate the kindness of strangers... the efforts of those who burnt their hydrogen to bring gifts to the refugee children around the galaxy. It is never all grim, it is always good to remember that. It should help stave off my cynicism.

At any rate... I have work to return to. James Gray out."

---End of Log---
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