Logbook entry

New Year's Eve and a Wanted CMDR

31 Dec 2024Enigmarocket
CMDR Enigmarocket's Personal Log:

The start of a new year, yet another one, in the black is cause for reflection. This year, I've gone from some rags to riches and then back to some rags. I've been a hero of humanity, a restorer of order, a successful trader, and an explorer. My jumpaconda, the RMS Dionysus, is in fine working order since I've stopped flying her into suns and at 150% heat. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my new Imperial Cutter, courtesy of my recent promotion to Duke in the Imperial Navy, but that's a problem for next year.

What I don't rightly understand, though, is politics and corporate greed. I accepted a mission to restore power to a mining colony in Sol. Easy money normally, right? I flew from the Abraham Lincoln and self-landed on the colony's landing pad. Fortunately, no raiders were already present, so it was just a quick jaunt into the power station to reactivate the power. Imagine my surprise, after the base awoke, to receive instant fines from my employer--the company tasking me with turning on their power--for blocking the landing pad. Apparently "the help" can't park in designated guest parking?! I hadn't even stolen anything (yet) from the base. Five seconds later, after accumulating a 1,000 credit fine, it was upgraded to a bounty.

After dismissing the ship back to orbit, so I could angrily loot the place dry (allegedly), the pirates AX Navy patrolling the skies started shooting at her! Fortunately, the RMS Dionysus is nimble and she escaped on autopilot with only a few scratches. Eventually, since I wanted to ensure that all of the lights in every room were truly back on, I summoned the ship a long way away from the colony and flew back to the Lincoln to get my payment. Naturally, of course, the bounty attracted several interested profiteers in the Sol system on the way back.

Unfortunately for them, I'm a better pilot and made it back.
Unfortunately for me, the Lincoln was not equipped to handle my bounty payment; I had to leave, evade bounty hunters, and fly to another station just to pay my former employer. Why they couldn't have just docked my pay, I'll never know.

Anyway, as I sit back on the bridge of the RMS Dionysus, with no current bounties and a hold full of "lawfully acquired" property just abandoned for the taking, I'm not sure what direction the solar winds will blow in 2025. All I can say for certain is that no good deed goes unpunished.

Happy New Year.
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