Logbook entry

"Debt and Duty" Purple Banners Part 1 (Senator's Personal Log 16)

02 Jan 2025Eric Vonsa
20:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: Rho Platform, HIP 100539
Aurora's POV

I walked into the concourse of Rho Platform. Tetco followed me along with a contingent of guards that the Lords of HIP 99551 were supplying for me during my stay. My entourage followed me as I was led to the bar by a member of the Lords of HIP 99551. He was young, clean shaven and supposedly in charge of making sure I was given the treatment that my position deserves. At least as far as the tiny outpost could provide. He introduced himself as Greg Herschel to me the day that I had arrived. "Mr. Herschel. Why am I in the concourse bar? I haven't been able to come here the whole time I was here. Not that I wanted to." I asked with an almost annoyed tone of voice. "Ah, Senator. I have a good reason for bringing you here tonight. Trust me. You can't get a better view of the rings this outpost rests in than here." He paused as he approached the bartender. "Anlian Gin. Three of them please." After he got the three cups he passed one to me and Tetco. "Besides, I heard there's going to be something worth seeing out there." He added. Gesturing to the window with a rather stunning view of the rings and the planet they circled. "Can you tell me what I am supposed to be looking at?" "When it comes to that time I will, Senator." Greg said. I took a sip of my Gin before I responded.

That was when the ship, travelling at its top speed and boosting repeatedly, twisted to the left. The maneuvering thrusters firing as the pilot pitched and rolled the ship around to change direction. Then they boosted off into their new direction which took them straight towards the solar panels and antennas. They rolled up into a pitch up that then became a downward pitch as they rolled 180° and began to yaw to their Starboard so their main engines left two spiraling trails of exhaust as they spiraled around the solar panels and antennas as they approached the main body of the station. As it swings around and its nose points at the concourse the pilot boosts forward rolling so it's parallel to the viewport. The red white and black colored ship screams past and the hull only a few feet away from the wall. As the pilot boosts again, the main thrusters spews more light blue fire before the ship flies past. On the hull along the wings behind the cockpit the ship name in black with the symbol of the Empire beneath it. "L.L.V. Hubward." Is lit up by two lights. Behind it where the red and black of the swept wings met in bold white text "528-EV" is emblazoned lit up with the same lighting. Above the ship ID on both of the wings is a lit up decal. A dark grey eagle with white below it. The symbol of Arissa Lavingy-Duval. On the top between the wings and in line with the nose is a Silver decal of a gem above a planet that is being orbited by a Cobra. Below the Cobra and planet is the symbol of the Pilots Federation with the word "Elite" written in silver underneath. The unique decal rests on the red background of the paint job that sweeps from the nose to the aft of the ship. The ship also appears to have extensions on the swept wings and the section right above the main engines. There's also two large red fins that stick up from the center extension. The ship overall looks similar to a viper due to the swept wings design.

"That, Senator Rebia, is what you are supposed to be looking at." Greg finally replied. "What type of ship is that?" Tetco asked. "Your guess is as good as mine. It had the Falcon Delacy Shipyards falcon on it by the nose so it's got to be one of their vessels. I don't recognize the design though. They have started producing two other new ships this year along with one Lakon started producing. Though new ships hitting the market usually come with a celebratory announcement." Greg says with a shrug. There's a flash of red and white as the ship spirals down from above before accelerating out of view. A half a minute later the ship slowly rises up until it's nose is level with the viewport. Because of its orientation and location right outside the viewport, the pilot would have had to yaw around to be facing us.

Tetco's communicator chimes with an incoming call alert. After a split second she answers. "Hello?" She stands there for a minute then makes an adjustment to the device before she speaks. "Go ahead Commander." "Thanks Tetco. Senator Rebia, I told you that I was going to return. And I have. How'd you like the show?" Commander Eric Vonsa's voice comes from the communicator carrying a jovial tone and a hint of what could potentially be pride. "Commander, I already know you can fly. Showing off wasn't necessary." I replied sternly. "Oh, come on Senator. I wasn't showing off my skills. I was showing off the L.L.V. Hubward. She's fresh off the assembly line with some upgrades I knew would be needed installed by the factory." Eric Vonsa's voice carries a small scoff of disappointment that is quickly replaced by pride. "A new ship? You mean all that high speed screwing around you just did was to show off the ship?" My voice carries a hint of incredulity and disapproval at the almost immature reason why he just spent the past 5 minutes being a potential hazard to other pilots.

"Yup. This thing is amazing. I hit over 600 meters per second as I boosted out of my spiral around the solar panels and then past the viewport." The tone of his voice conveyed that if he picked up on my incredulity and disapproval of his showboating he wasn't acknowledging it. Instead, he presses a button on his console. Then he flicks through the holographic display on his left and selects an option, before he presses the button on the console again. It was then that I realized he had muted us, switched channels to ask for docking permission, before he switched back to our channel and unmuted it. "Senator, I am going to be in hangar 01. Meet me there. Mr. Herschel will lead you there. See you in five." He says. As he yaws the L.L.V. Hubward 90° to Starboard he wagged his wing at us before he boosted away in a loop that would take him around to pad 01.

Greg leads the way to the hangar. As Tetco and I follow along with my security team. The express lift we use deposits us in the pad loading area. In the center of the hanger on the pad is the Hubward. And striding towards us wearing a completely different suit than the silver and black flight suit he was wearing a few days ago. Instead it was a thicker looking silver and blueish grey one. It has a torso section that is reminiscent of the space suits used in the 21st century. On his right arm is an arm mounted display panel. The rest of the suit appears to be relatively sleek and streamlined. On his shoulders is the symbol of the Empire in blue. "My Lady." Eric says as he approaches. He gives a bow and waits for me to acknowledge him. I take the opportunity to take another quick look at his appearance. Around his neck appears to be a heavy cloth connected to a collar. It takes me a minute to place it as his Remlok. "Commander." I say in acknowledgement. He straightens up and then addresses Greg Herschel. "Mr. Herschel. You and the Lords of HIP 99551 have done a wonderful job these past few days both entertaining and ensuring Senator Rebia's safety while I retrieved the L.L.V. Hubward and sorted out a few other necessities. Therefore, I have arranged for the last year of your contract to be cleared. As of January 1st you no longer have any debts to pay that I am aware of. My thanks to both you and your faction." Eric extended a hand. Greg shook it and then he was handed a comm tab with his copy of the confirmation of contract completion. "Thank you Commander. I wasn't expecting this." Greg said as he stepped back. "That comm tab lists an account with enough credits that if you wish to, you can buy a cheap ship and move to Carthage. In fact, I will take you there free of charge. I'm heading there anyways." "Commander, I accept your offer. I'll grab a few things and be back in 30 minutes. Senator." Greg said before he excused himself with a bow.
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︎2 Shiny!

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