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Allegiance: Federation
Power: Zachary Hudson
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvECQCRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:
Squadron commander: ELITE SUPREMACY
Members: 28
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1178 days

Headquarters: CD-64 139 [Christa McAuliffe]
Related minor faction: Phantom Sentinels of Guidance
"The Phantom Sentinels of Guidance are dedicated to helping pilots enhance their Combat, Trading, mining and Exploration skills/knowledge.
Known for appearing seemingly from nowhere, they help out in Galactic emergencies and guard knowledge from the gates of time"

MOTTO: "A Pilot's worth is determined by their actions, not their skill" - CMDR. ELITE SUPREMACY
SQUADRON SLOGAN: "Because no one else will"

PHANTOM SENTINELS OF GUIDANCE Is a Squadron and minor faction for any new or old Pilot that want a welcoming home that is
supportive and easy to reach out to.
This group is considered to be Federal, but our pilots have the freedom to support who ever they wish, due to our main focus being on helping our members not Powerplay.
The main Squadron ranks are composed of placements of Completion. The Squadron Ranks are NOT associated with authority, but knowledge.

Squadron members are required with having a working microphone.
Squadron members are required with joining our discord.
Squadron members must never attack an innocent player for no reason. (Killing another player must have a logical reason)
It's mandatory for all Squadron members to have the PHANTOM EXPLORER built. (Its our Squadron ASP EXPLORER) - (This design must NOT be altered) - (Members do not have to use this vessel but are required to have it built as our blueprints indicate)

Squadron members are encouraged to help Pilots outside the Squadron.
Squadron members are encouraged to take part in Community Goals but only if they wish.
Squadron members have access to the Discord but each member will have different Clearance levels depending on their Loyalty stance with us.
Squadron members are free to get online only when they wish.
BGS is not mandatory in the Squadron.
Squadron members do not have to make the Squadron Minor faction system their home system.

Our Squadron is mainly focused on assisting new players, however we have been known for taking in experienced pilots who just want a welcoming home.
All of our pilots including the Squadron leader are seen as equals and are treated as such.
We like to think that the only thing that makes us different in game is our wisdom gained through different experiences.
All of our Pilots are all treated as individuals.
Our more advanced Pilots like to do mercenary work for parties outside our own.
Sometimes our Pilots are tasked with helping players outside the Squadron.
Squadron members sometimes volunteer to assist in wars or other activities as a sign of good faith to the other party.
Our Squadron may sometimes serve other Squadrons depending on the stance of the two mutual parties.
Other Squadrons/Minor Factions may request our help in wars or other activities depending on the mutual stance of the two parties.
Any Squadron/Minor Faction may change our mutual stance with us as long as our history has redeemable qualities.
Different stances offer different benefits depending on which stance the other party is with us.

Pilots within our Squadron are all individually Ranked depending on milestones set by the Squadron leader/leaders.
The reason I bring this up is to show that our main priority are our Pilots and NOT BGS.
We consider BGS different than Power Play.
BGS is the change or influence with minor factions within a star system.
Power Play to us is the manipulation of star systems and what fictional Power Play leader has control over said systems.
We do participate in Both from time to time but we mainly do these activities as individuals.
Despite being part of the Federation, the Federation have expressed that they do not want to take over our home system due to the area not being desirable for their affairs.
This is good for Galactic Powers neighboring us because that means that we do not pose a threat.
Due to our Pilots being treated as individuals, they also have political independence.
This means that all of our Pilots within the Squadron are free to pledge/support any large superpower or Power Play leader as they wish.
We only ask them to not go against our minor faction in game.
That being said, we have many allies involving Squadrons and Minor factions on all sides including the Federation and Empire.
Our in game Minor faction is federal, but we only did this to help any players within our Squadron unlock the Federal Corvette if they do decide to do BGS for us early on in their journey.
We do help parties and individuals outside the Federation and in return they help us.
On another note, we purposely chose a star system in Imperial space so that we would serve as a beacon of neutrality towards both the Empire and the Federation.

From time to time our minor faction expands into other systems.
However our intentions are not to expand or conquer.
Elite Dangerous is a video game that one day might outlive us and we know that.
That is why we don't care to expand or conquer.
Our only interest and desire is to maintain control in our home system if possible but we understand that even that will end some day when we parish in real life.
If we ever do expand by accident, we might use it as another location to do missions in, but nothing else.
I mention this to show anyone reading this that we are not patriotic towards our faction or the Federation.
Our intentions as a minor faction is to provide a stamp or a beacon for those who seek our help as the name of our Squadron suggests.
Our friendly nature towards all players alike has brought us many blessings from Squadrons and minor factions all around the bubble and we intend to keep it that way.

MENTOR: is the Rank given to the person in the Squadron that manages things incase an incident or situation emerges.
MENTORS may not consider themselves "better" than the other lower ranking pilots within the Squadron due to the fact that they might only possess unknown knowledge that lower ranking pilots may not be fully aware of, and therefore they see themselves as equals to any other pilots within the Squadron.
MENTORS are required with having the following traits (BY DEFINITION): Understanding, Adaptive, Keen, unbiased, reasonable, passionate, pessimistic, respectful, mentally nimble, loyal, wise, modest and honest.
There may be more than one Leader at a time depending on different situations.

TYTONIDAE: is a member of the Squadron that has gained approval by MENTORS or Squadron leaders to give trust worthy advice in the situation that MENTORS or Squadron leaders are not Online.
it should be known that any advice provided by a PHANTOM SENTINEL does not fully reflect the Views of MENTORS or the Squadron leaders.
This member typically is considered to be an advanced pilot that is more than capable of overcoming any obstacles that they might encounter.
TYTONIDAE are usually found around the Home system and are often spotted helping the Squadron/Faction out in any way they can.
TYTONIDAE must have met the following milestones to qualify for this Rank: [has unlocked at least 7 engineers], [Has unlocked 3 pieces of Guardian equipment], [has purchased a fleet carrier], [has killed at least 1 Thargoid interceptor], [has unlocked all Large vessels locked behind imperial and federal rank], [has reached Elite in at least one personal Rank].
They are mainly tasked with assisting the Squadron MENTORS/leaders in any way they can.

OWL: is the rank given to a member of the Squadron that has met at least 2 of the following milestones to qualify for this Rank: [Has reached Elite in one of their personal Ranks], [Has engineered at least one Module on board their own vessel/equipment], [Has unlocked at least one piece of Guardian equipment], [Has unlocked at least one large vessel locked behind an imperial or federal rank] to qualify for this Rank.
This member is mainly tasked with being Resilient, Resourceful, Adaptive and attentive.

OWLET: is the Rank given to a member of the squadron that is able to spread their own wings but is not completely self dependent when it comes to sourcing materials, knowledge or completing missions and tasks on their own.
These members typically are still learning the basics of the game and may need help with getting their journey going.
Members within this Rank will need delicate explanations involving how to do things and why to do them.
OWLETS may not be the wisest out of the parliament when it comes to getting someone's attention or asking for help, however they are a good reminder to higher ranking pilots that they were once in their position with similar views and therefore they deserve being patient and reasoned with.
OWLETS are mainly pilots that are still learning how to get things done by watching or listening.
OWLETS are mainly tasked with improving any skills they have acquired.

EGG: is the Rank given to pilots in the Squadron that don't fully understand how to properly Dock, Activate Supercruise, Activate hyperdrive or navigate through panels or sources.
These pilots are typically new to the game and require extreme patience and attention to keep them safe.
Members within this rank don't fully understand how things work and might have more questions than answers, or might not know what to ask.
These members of the squadron might get easily frustrated or overwhelmed with the amount of information/knowledge they might be taking in at once, so its important that instructions on how to complete tasks are given to them step by step as a result of them not knowing what to do or know. Once instructions are given to them, its important that it is explained why such actions/instructions were being given and why they were important or optional.
Its important that you remember that everyone is born and raised differently so some EGGS might not be as quick on understanding how to complete basic tasks or actions as others.
EGGS are mainly tasked with trying out new things or getting their credits up.

Our main goal is to provide a stepping stone for new pilots that want to fly to greater heights within the Milky Way Galaxy.
We like to be secretive about our insights on any knowledge over all, but our motives are clear.
At the end of the day... we work in the dark, to serve the light.