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About NanoTrasen Central Command

Name: NanoTrasen Central Command
Allegiance: Pilots Federation
Language: Russian
Timezone: Moscow

PvEPvPRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloExplorersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCNanoTrasen Central Command [NTCC]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: PervertGenius
Members: 5
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 1201 days

Headquarters: Minagnaiwa [Fettman Terminal]
Related minor faction: SpaceTrasen Ltd.
Supported minor faction: SpaceTrasen Ltd.
NanoTrasen is a gigantic corporation. NanoTrasen utilizes a ranking system, every worker is their job. The only way to move up in a job is to prove yourself to a ranking officer of your current work station, or just living long enough to replace them. The lucky few move to the almighty Central Command Station which handles higher-level corporate affairs.

NanoTrasen often creates several near self sustainable stations at a time in each sector, each with their own purpose. Three stations are usually placed together in order to get the most out of the area. Usually including a mining station, research station, and a third utility station (prison, communications, military, supply shipping, or a number of other utilities).