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About Borealis Genetics Defence Force

Name: Borealis Genetics Defence Force
Allegiance: Empire
Language: German
Timezone: Berlin

PvECQCRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcorePrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCAlpha Quadrant Defense Force [AQDF]
Squadron commander: Xenoclaw
Members: 10
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 1224 days

Headquarters: Leunii [Fokker Laboratory]
Related minor faction: Borealis Genetics
The Borealis Genetics corporation specializes in genetics, exobiology, and the discovery and subsequent research of extraterrestrial life. Therefore, they pay Special attention to exploring new worlds and cataloguing previously undiscovered genomes. However, even if most of their work is peaceful, their security division won't shrink back to protect the interests of the corporation or the empire, should the need arise. With their work, they hope to promote human understanding in the field of genetic engineering.