About Golden Huskies
Name: Golden Huskies
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
In-game name:
Squadron Discord ︎
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersTraders
In-game name:
- PCGolden Huskies [GDHK]
Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Patrick Bietruch
Members: 4
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1288 days
Headquarters: Andlit
Supported minor faction: Andlit Co
Members: 4
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1288 days
Headquarters: Andlit
Supported minor faction: Andlit Co
In coalition with:
The Black SwansMORE INFO
Our goals:
Grinding money. Or engineering materials. Or both. It is pretty clear why so many people hate grinding for in-game items but it cannot be denied that there are people who actually like it. People like us. And quite frankly, "Elite: Dangerous" has many ways of making hard cash. As for the engineering materials, you can never have enough of those.
About Squadron:
This squadron is made for people who does indeed like the grind. Even if it is repetitive, it can be fun. Here you can share your progress with other like-minded commanders. You can also discuss different methods of making money or find wingmates who can help you make bank.
Our base of operation is the Aurea Canina KBQ-2DZ fleet carrier. Shipyard and outfitting are installed onboard.
Discord server link for Golden Huskies: https://discord.gg/26hEaehWHm
We are not wolves, we don't bite. We are huskies.
Golden Huskies.