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About Morpheus Mining Corp.

Name: Morpheus Mining Corp.
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPCQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCMorpheus Mining Corp. [MMC0]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Pr0j3kt676
Members: 41
Supporters: 10
Squadron age: 1116 days

Headquarters: Garoju
Related minor faction: Morpheus Mining Corp.

Morpheus Mining Corporation has been one of the largest money making operations in the bubble since 3307. We have made it our mission to provide individual CMDRs and Squadrons the ability to benefit from our lucrative trade deals; this has given every CMDR, willing to mine and haul commodities, the opportunity to fund their own personal goals utilizing our various ongoing mining operations. We are extremely proud to manage such an incredible business and pledge to maintain this service in the years to come, for the community.

The MMCO (in-game) faction was established in 3308, our corporate investors were able to secure the system of Garoju within Imperial Space (Aisling Duval). As a group, we work together to provide Squadron Objectives and regularly organize to assist our faction by manipulating the BGS system. If you are interested in our corporation and wish to take part in our internal activities, feel free to ping an @Executive Officer in ⁠our Discord server and we will get you squared away!

- Participate in BGS and Faction Operations!
- Join our Department of Defense and take part in our Military operations! (Navy / AX / Mobile Infantry) all with ranks to rise through!
- Squadron hosted community events!
- Plan MMCO Exploration and Mining Reconnaissance Operations!
- Gain the opportunity to be featured in our MMCO Promotional Videos!
- Join us in assiting our allies in all of their BGS operations!
- Discounted Leathery Eggs at all MMCO owned properties!!!

Join MMCO today!

Morpheus Mining Corporation Discord