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About Rekall Inc.

Name: Rekall Inc.
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
  • PCGURU 95i [M1ND]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: [deleted246389]
Members: 3
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 1088 days

Who is Rekall Incorporated,
Why should you fly with us?

The membership within the Rekall’s corporate offices extends to the first days of interstellar exploration and discovery. Many have mastered the art of the craft, unearthing many of the rarest stellar bodies known to exist.

We participate with a large focus on uncovering the many long-held secrets of the galaxy, on both sides of the law, through all three trades. The Guardians and their AI's mesmerizing story have been at the heart of our investigations, and many of our members engage extensively in Anti-Xeno activities and Xeno research as well, yet not all agree with such things. Everyone has their own way.

In Rekall, despite our many different perspectives, we come together as One.
It’s fair to say that we all have a deep love for sharing and adding to the vast collection of knowledge we’ve come to understand along our many ways.

We participate in many communities, CG, and BGS events, extensive trade activities, mining, a lot of big opportunities for making incredible amounts of credits, and some really great artistic projects that continue to take place.

We are currently a small, but tight-knit community and looking to grow
With the understanding that new friends are a good thing to have and that new minds can hold the keys to our understanding of the world we find ourselves in. We all hold to the belief of mutual respect and camaraderie.

We play in Open, Private, and Solo, in Live and Legacy, on all three platforms and many of us gather often.

“Everything is true," he said. "Everything anybody has ever thought.”
― Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Welcome to Rekall Incorporated, Commander.
We hope that you have a productive time
and that you enjoy your stay.

Code of Conduct

No Griefing

Play as you like

Come with respect

Our Home System

At this time, having been ousted from Hauser's Reach in Robigo, Rekall Incorporated is without an official place to call home.
As such we've been forced to utilize our small fleet of carriers in its place.

We are currently exploring the possibility of finding a new system to call our own soon.


We are currently accepting coalitions with like-minded pilot groups.

How do I join?

It's simple!
Pop into our Discord Community by clicking this link, and if you desire send a DM here with a little about yourself, and that you'd like to be added to the in-game squadron, and to be added to this one here on Inara.

Social Media

Rekall on Youtube

Rekall on Twitter