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About United Independent Star Squadron

Name: United Independent Star Squadron
Allegiance: Independent
Language: German
Timezone: Vienna

PvERelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCUnited Independent Star Squadron [UISS]
Squadron commander: GordoMKII
Members: 12
Supporters: 7
Squadron age: 1234 days

Headquarters: HIP 18466 [d'Arrest Dock]
Related minor faction: Last Order
We do everything, have no obligations, have the freedom to do whatever we like. Just have fun, be nice. What more is there to say.

"Just look, what i got now! Wait, i'll upload a tiny picture per space message for you:

You got it? Nice! I've always wanted to explore the space. And lucky for me, an old friend of mine lent me his sidewinder.
It all started with a sidewinder - a little, tiny sidewinder -"

Origin: unidentified scan archives.