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About Virtual Vacuum Vagabonds

Name: Virtual Vacuum Vagabonds
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Berlin

PvERelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCVirtual Vacuum Vagabonds [5618]
Squadron commander: Vali_Mara
Members: 7
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 954 days

Headquarters: HIP 38064 [H0X-B8G]
The VIRTUAL VACUUM VAGABONDS are a free and independent fellowship of pilots who sometimes travel together and sometimes alone.

There's more between all that dark matter than just a few twinkling stars.
Some say they can manipulate the background simulation, we are the simulation.

Don't follow the path, only blaze a trail so others can find you. Keep playing, as long as you can find something that you want to get from the game, the Game can delivered it to you.

So the Vagabonds are hiking around like tramps and wherever they find a place or a opportunity for there benefit, they stay for a while.

We have no service instructions, but we take care to each other, helping us and show understanding for the issues of the others.

New wing-mates are welcome.
If you like to join us, you should find out if you fit with us and our spirit.
We are connected by "wire", "team speak" and "discord" !!!

Message of the day :

Jump range is not replaceable, only with even more jump range.

Isn't there enough room for everyone in the big, wide universe that you have to smash each other the skulls ?

It is possible not to make mistakes and still lose. That's not weakness, that's life.
L. J. Picard

Never confuse kindness with weakness.
Because it could take revenge.

"In times when deception and lies are omnipresent, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act."
Rosa Luxemburg
