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About Aegis of Athrus

Name: Aegis of Athrus
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

PvERelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCAegis of Athrus [ATHA]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Adrasid
Members: 1
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 1080 days

Supported minor faction: Anti Xeno Initiative
About Us:

The Aegis of Athrus or AOA for short was founded in 3307 by CMDR Adrasid on the foundation of protecting humanity from all threats and ensuring it's continue prosperity in the galaxy.

The AOA contributes to the protection of humanity by exterminating threats internal and external such as Bounty Hunting, Assassinating know criminals and Thargoid Hunting.

In addition the AOA also assists in the continued prosperity of mankind through non combat actives such as trading, mining and exploration.

The AOA welcomes pilots from all walks of life that share our core values to join our friendly and helpful community to help ensure the continued survival of humanity.

If you wish to join the AOA please follow the steps below our code of conduct and make sure to join our discord server

Our Code of Conduct:

1) Be respectful to all commanders

2) Don't go against our core values by performing activities such as pirating , killing innocent pilots or actively assisting factions/squadrons that go against our vaules

3) Keep all forms of communication civil and avoid controversial subjects

4) Have fun and be helpful when you can

Ready to Join? Here's How!


All you need to do is click the "Join Squadron" button on the right side of this page at which you point you will be prompt to include a message telling us about yourself.

After a quick review your application should be accepted shortly after it was sent.


Go to your system panel (default hotkey is 4) and select the Squadron tab

Next enter Aegis of Athrus in the search tab and click on the result

Lastly, it will bring up an easy to fill out application for you to fill in, after you are done click the send application button and your request will be reviewed shortly after.