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About Enigma Enterprises

Name: Enigma Enterprises
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPiratesPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCEnigma Enterprises [EE01]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: The_northern_monkey
Members: 6
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 928 days

Headquarters: Ahan
Related minor faction: Enigma Enterprises

Enigma Enterprises are a collective of free thinking pilots, They're a none expansionist group with a headquarters in the Ahan system. The group are relatively new to the galaxy, if joining please be patient with us as we have a relaxed atmosphere and are progressing at our own pace. Its members are more often out of office delivering vital data and information or making lucrative trades across the systems instead of wasting away behind a desk wondering what is waiting for them out there in the black.

They're an Enterprise of pilots which are beholden to no one galactic power, with the key goals of Profit, Self Preservation, to create allies rather than enemies, and to treat all galactic powers as neutral entities. With profit to be made from them all. However, bringing a negative reputation to the neutrality of the group's cause may bring expulsion from Enigma Enterprises.

The group is focused on Data Courier and Trade routes between all systems, however being a collective of individuals some members may branch out into other morally grey areas of work as they see profit. Be it solving mysteries across the galaxy or hunting down a big old Hydras, all are welcome here to learn or to teach.

Recruitment initiative
As of currently we're also looking for senior management positions to join the Squadron, requirements would be to have a positive disposition and willingness to teach others and have a good time whilst doing so. This position comes with benefits of deciding events for your selected activity, whilst also having a solid say in what else happens within the wider scope of the group.

Senior Management positions available:-
  • Anti Xeno
  • Bgs
  • Biology
  • Combat
  • CQC
  • Data Courier
  • Engineering
  • Exploration
  • Geology
  • Guardian
  • Mining
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling
  • Thargoids
  • Trade

Our current plans for the future

Due to us having multiple fleet carries within our squadron. We plan on helping members progress as fast as possible with their own endeavors, once we have enough members to make the cost shipping fellow cmdrs around the galaxy worth it, there will be trips to the following activities:-

  • Trips to Colonia
  • Trips to the Crystal Forests
  • Trips to the Guardian sites
  • Trips to Thargoid sites
  • Trips to Jameson crash site and other engineering highlights.
  • Wing training on good trading routes within the galaxy for credits
  • Wing training on good data Courier routes with the galaxy for reputations

Hope to hear from you soon space cowboys o7
cmdr The_Northern_Monkey