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About The Black Cat Syndicate

Name: The Black Cat Syndicate
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
  • PCThe Black Cat Syndicate [BKIT]

Squadron Discord ︎
==The Black Cat Creed==
The Black Cat Syndicate is an organization offering sanctuary and haven to strays amongst the cosmos.
We are a family of all kinds bound by only the code of our own paths.
Our key vision is to support the freedoms and ambitions of each of our members, whatever they may be.
We believe that through the pursuit of individual ambition, together we create a vast and strong entity

We enforce no rules, and promise no safety to those outside of our ranks.
We make our friends and enemies upon encounter.
Our actions may only be predicted by the ambitions of the Black Cat that crosses your path.
We are a family, but most of all, we are free.

In alignment with our fundamental ideals focusing on the growth and awakening of ones inner ambitions, we take great care to listen to the words, wishes, thoughts, and desires of each of our pilots. We take personal interest in offering aid and company to any and all pursuits brought to the tables of our fellow pilots, and grant every member a valid voice on matters of squadron growth and development. Members of Black Cat leadership commit them selves to the service of our community, and the voices of its people.

==BGS - Raven's Scouts==
The Black Cat Syndicate acts as the high council and elite task force over our minor faction Raven's Scouts.

Operating out of our home station Raven's Landing, and its forward operation post Future Hopes, located within our native system Cai, and closely guarding our home world Xyle.

Both stand proudly serving as a beacon of promise for the spirit of the Black Cats and their Ravens that they represent
Our people have reached out and claimed their place in the surrounding stars, and found establishment within the nearby systems as well.

Our BGS opportunities offer:
-Bounty Hunting
-Trade & Marketing
-Supply Logistics
-Mission Assignment
-Role Play Diplomatics
-PvP oriented engagements

==Power Play==
We are an independent people pledging no committed loyalties to any one power outside of our selves. This said, we express no current hostilities to any particular power, and freely share relations when it suits our personal needs.

==Friendly Relations==
We share friendly and open access relations with Sirius INC, McCoy Spaceways, Dark Matter Corp, Alliance Rapid-Reaction Corps, and Oder of Twelve.

This network of squadrons and linking coalitions provides us with a vast area of safe and supported space to operate in at our leisure, and includes the support of local pilots also working in the area. We maintain an open door policy between our discord servers, and thus always have access to places to mingle, or friendly pilots to hail.

Our discord features BGS tracking, and intel analysis bots freely available to be used by our members.
We maintain a very active, and fun discord server, that's been built over the last few years from our work in previous galaxies, prior to the syndicate's arrival to the milky way.

The Black Cat Syndicate

-Open to all who apply