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About Time Of Chaos X

Name: Time Of Chaos X
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualOpenBounty huntersPirates

In-game name:
  • XBTime Of Chaos [TOCX]
Squadron commander: Deano Bosho
Members: 15
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 883 days

Toc were formed in the heart of a dying star where chaos reigns supreme. No one knows where they came from, all anyone knows is that they were there. The original five found a home in vesuvit, where they built an empire of bread using vesuvian pleasure drones. Along their weary travels they succumbed to their injuries until there was only one left. Deano, the only one to survive being hunted across the galaxy.

This enticed other, like minded, reprobates to join. Some felt the call of chaos, while other where hypnotised (some might say 'dicknatised') by it. From there, the fingers of chaos spread throughout the galaxy. Putting fear in to the hearts of traders, midgets, combat pilots and porn stars alike, never knowing if their next jump would show a triangle on their scanners and a meniacl laughter over the comms.
Weary travellers carrying illicit alcohol best be on their guard for chaos and glory spreads easier when lubricated.

Always submit to chaos.
Don't even think of asking to join, chaos will ask you.