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About The Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service

Name: The Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloExplorersFaction supportersMentorsHumanitarian aid providersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCThe Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service [TMFS]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Eddie Longshanks
Members: 15
Supporters: 13
Squadron age: 864 days

Headquarters: V640 Cassiopeia
WE NEED YOU! We're running short of monkeys, and are recruiting. Do you enjoy:
Working in a team,
Making credits without having to kill things or scan them,
support exploration missions without leaving the bubble?

Then come join us in our discord server, and start earning now!

Proudly independent.

We at The Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service are proud of the service we provide.
We are the fastest.
We are the friendliest.
We are the best.

We are Independent Pilots who have come together to provide a service - the Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service. And as we're independent, so is TMFS. We're still the same Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service, but we're looking beyond our borders to make our future.
We're just a mad barrel of monkeys, and we're always looking for more monkeys. If you fancy pulling a shift and make a nice bit of credits, , or if you're looking to get your carrier stuffed full of tritium(seriously, 25k in under 90 minutes!) join us at The Tritium Monkeys Fuel Service Discord server

We also do bulk haulage services, including cg logistics. Join us on our discord to find out more