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About Screaming Eagles

Name: Screaming Eagles
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC


In-game name:
  • PCScreaming Eagles [EGLZ]

Squadron Discord ︎
The Screaming Eagles were founded on a set of principles handed down to us from... something something... Look, you're not a cop right?  

Okay, now that we've established you're not a cop (?), we're actually pirates.
That's right: vicious, ruthless, heartless pirates.  What makes us special?  Well, we actually pirate and go out of our way to avoid slaughter.
After all, we'd really like to rob you again.  That, and the short bus we ride to get to our ships.

If you think that piracy is a right proper way of life (and are willing to live in the poverty that goes with this career) then drop us a line.  Be warned, however: if you wish to join you'll need to complete the dreaded... The Crucible.  That's right... the The Crucible.  Gird your loins or something.


Having attained supremacy in Kurughnaye system in 3305, we can offer a variety of conterband, some interstellar factors, smuggling missions etc. etc., apart from our social plan coming along with a commitment to the Screaming Eagles. And maybe a space casino soon...

After maintaining Kurughnaye for 5 years, the bubble is mixed up another time and 12 super powers are now struggling to rule the galaxy...
And investigative research platform infoSTARS has taken a closer look at the sinister machinations of the Screaming Eagles.

And here are some older videos, if you want to learn more, please visit: