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About McCoy's Auxiliaries

Name: McCoy's Auxiliaries
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayFamily/mixedOpenFaction supportersPower supporters

In-game name:
  • PCMcCoy's Auxiliaries [McAx]
Squadron commander: Anderson Valenzuela
Members: 3
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 967 days

Headquarters: HIP 13644 [Davis Gateway]
Supported minor faction: The Brotherhood of The Dark Circle
McCoy's Auxiliaries was founded in early 3308 and is the 'powerplay-esque' branch of the McCoy Spaceways Corporation. The announcement of the branch's founding came with little fanfare, being published alongside the manifesto of McCoy Spaceways founder CMDR Julian McCoy, and details his intentions for an organisation of increased scale - solely responsible for projecting his influence across the galaxy.

(Those wishing to 'pledge' to Julian McCoy and his ideals should flag themselves as supporters of this squadron, entire factions and squadrons may 'pledge' by submitting a coalition request.)