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About Icarus Industries

Name: Icarus Industries
Allegiance: Independent

In-game name:
  • PCIcarus Industries [ICID]
  • XBIcarus Industries [ICID]
Squadron commander: RawrZillaFace
Members: 9
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 871 days
Established in 3308, as the brain child of a former conscript of a failing Empire Corporation, who's leadership didn't truly value its members. Our ethos is rooted behind money and power, clearly. Whether it's importing Erio child slaves because their tiny little hands are perfect for our refineries or R&D so that agricultural economies start producing lasers, to kill those pesky indigenous anarchy tribes from stealing your valuable food, which we sell as food cartridges to feed Imperial child slaves that work Dominion of Didarengu mines. Which we later outsource as food carts, providing cheap and effective renewable resources, because we care about the environment. Icarus Industries is committed to personal core values, like "teamwork" and "diversity". What's better than having a lot of people work off of a diverse contract list for money? That's right: indentured servitude. You're not technically property. You're a person.. that we own, and we like that. Supplanting under Imperial backing in neutral space endorsed by the Federation only ensures a diverse economic availability on rank, prestige and equipment and allowing generative revenue from consumers. Being able to stream line multiple economic infrastructure arrangements allows for a robust financial market structure. Who cares about the political power play of failing government structures when you have money? Our Property Acquisition and Management teams, deploy efficient and effective combat, trade, and exploration capes, stratified behind BGS synchronicity. That's right we dabble in gypsy magic... Trust us, we're not a cult. With all that money you can have F.U.N. tm, supervised by HR of course. Our home is your home, so you can live where you work.

"Icarus Industries - We work for you, for us. And that's good... For you... For us"