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About Desordenaos

Name: Desordenaos
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvPRelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenAnti-xeno activistsBounty hunters
Squadron commander: Vee
Members: 6
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 835 days

In coalition with:
Dingos of Duwali
Desordenaos origins can be traced back to an especially bloody uprising on Maui Infinitus. This conflict had witnessed some of the most brutal combat seen in the 32nd century! During the uprising, seditious forces backed by neighboring systems managed to destroy the orbiting shipyard, using guerrilla tactics, and thus depriving the planetary governor of his, much needed, defensive battlegroup. Destroying fully half of his defensive fleet whilst they were stationed in drydock, with no other choice, the governor turned to private military contractors to supplement his shattered fleet. Dozens of military contractors were employed in the defense of the system. During the brutal fighting many of these PMC's found themselves losing their ranks fast. Soon only the best pilots of each faction remained. During their last stand, it was only these pilots who remained! These Solders of fortune, the bulwark against the tide, decided their best chance of survival was to reorganize into a single battlegroup, and thus Desordenaos was born! Against all odds these Veteran Pilots managed to turn the tide of battle, routing the seditious forces from the system and saving Maui Infinitus from a bloody regime. Since that fateful day, Desordenaos has remained a cohesive band of Mercenaries, calling nowhere but their fleet carriers' home, and pledging their allegiances to only the highest bidders.