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About Libertalia

Name: Libertalia
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Archon Delaine
Language: German
Timezone: Berlin

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenBounty huntersExplorersPiratesPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCLibertalia [LBTA]
Squadron commander: Max Bothin
Members: 6
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 858 days

Headquarters: Carcosa
Related minor faction: The Nameless
In coalition with:
The Dystopians
Hello, I'm Max, founder of Libertalia. Our bunch is rather uninvolved in the BGS, but supports the Nameless if possible. My bunch are all crazy individualists who, once they set their mind to something, really can't be dissuaded. As a former Lomac, we don't believe in old man contracts, especially when systems are all but extinct and the status quo is only to be maintained for the sake of perpetuating myths. We want a proper anarchy system up here in our homeland. We consider anyone who thinks there is no need for such a system up here to be an opponent. It's just plain common sense to keep the Nameless in Carcosa as the leading faction up here. The other factions can let off steam in the other systems. We don't have stocks in there. We have no interest in contracts and agreements. If anyone wants to take the Nameless away from Carcosa, or just play the wild man, so be it. The galaxy is big and you do what you want anyway. If we feel like it and have time, we'll spend it fighting for the anarchists in Carcosa. It should be easy to keep your own troops in the system. If that doesn't work, you should think about your priorities and just accept that you're not interested in the topic at the moment. And let others do what they do.

Libertalia is a pirate squadron. Of german origin, we welcome Commanders of other languages as well. English is fine, everything else, well...

from Wikipedia:

Libertalia was a legendary free colony founded by pirates led by Captain Misson, although most historians have expressed doubts over its existence outside of literature. Libertalia got its name from the Latin word liberi which means "free". Misson's idea was to have his society be one in which people of all colours, creeds, and beliefs were to be free of any scrutiny. He wanted to give the people of Libertalia their own demonym, not one of a past country of origin.

Historian and activist Marcus Rediker describes the pirates as follows:

These pirates who settled in Libertalia would be "vigilant Guardians of the People's Rights and Liberties"; they would stand as "Barriers against the Rich and Powerful" of their day. By waging war on behalf of "the Oppressed" against the "Oppressors," they would see that "Justice was equally distributed."

The pirates were against the authoritarian institutions of their day, including monarchies, slavery, institutional religion, and the abuses associated with wealth. Like some historically documented pirates, they practiced direct democracy, where the people as a whole held the authority to make laws and rules, and also used systems of councils composed of delegates who were supposed to think of themselves as "comrades" of the general population, not rulers. They created a new language for their colony and operated a socialist economy.

The pirate utopia's motto was "for God and liberty," and its flag was white, in contrast to a Jolly Roger.

We support the Nameless in the System Carcosa.

We are a squadron of casual players. We don´t grind, either BGS or whatever. You can, but you must not.

O9 Kommandanten,

nach Jahren der brüderlichen Verbindung zu den Likedeelern suchten wir nach neuen Freiräumen. Die Colonia Blase ist, bedingt durch uralte Verträge und Absprachen, zu einem Ort geworden, in dem wir unsere Geschäfte nicht nach unseren Wünschen umsetzen konnten. Als Bewohner und Bürger der Colonia-Blase brauchen wir eine gesunde Mischung. Die alten Strukturen schränken jeglichen Wandel ein, lassen die Reichen reicher werden und die Armen ärmer. Entweder man spielt nach den etablierten Regeln, oder man muss wieder gehen. Oder schlimmer.

Deswegen wurden die Libertalia gegründet: hier sind jegliche illegalen Aktivitäten möglich. Diebstahl von den Reichen, Raub von den Räubern. Schmuggel von den Satten. Unterwanderung der Verblendeten. Totschlag den Totschlägern. Es gelten The Pirates Who´s Who.

Wir unterstützen die "The Nameless" im System Carcosa. Wenn die Anarchisten das System beherrschen, gelten die Gesetze der Libertalia (und endlich gute Schiffe gibts dann auch auf Roberdin Rock).

Wir sind ne lockere Truppe, kennen uns seit Jahren, und haben öfters mal lustige Optionen entdeckt, die man nicht rausfindet, wenn man sich immer brav an die föderalen, imperialen, oder sonstwie-alen Regeln hält.

Der Berüchtigt-Faktor hält uns nicht auf, der Spaß beginnt, wenn man sich besser nicht scannen lassen sollte.

Waren, die es nicht gibt, besorgen wir irgendwie, Schmiergeld, Erpressung, Fotos die die Ehefrau nicht sehen sollte: gehört zu unserem Job. Anarchistensysteme leeräumen, weil "man es darf" ödet uns an, Grindkrempel, den jeder braucht, verschleudern wir an unseren Bars.

Wen Du diesen Weg auch gehen willst, melde Dich gern, bzw. bewirb Dich bei der Libertalia.