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About Artemis Interstellar Corporation

Name: Artemis Interstellar Corporation
Allegiance: Independent
Language: Serbian
Timezone: Belgrade

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCArtemis Interstellar Corporation [AICO]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Milos Benzinac
Members: 4
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 631 days

Headquarters: Syntec
Related minor faction: Artemis Interstellar Corporation
For a while we wandered the galaxy as a group of outcasts looking for a place to call home. Some of us left their former squadrons, others were banished. What bound us together was a strong sense of community and shared interests. After some time we came across a system that roughly matched what we were looking for. Without much hesitation, we decided that Syntec would be our new home. At that moment, Artemis Interstellar Corporation was born.

Like any beginning, this one also was hard and exhausting. From the faction that was at the end of the food chain, we started a slow upward trajectory. Persistence, sacrifice, smart planning, led to the fact that today Artemis Interstellar Corporation stands sovereignly at the top of the pyramid in the Syntec system. Our goal has never been war and expansion to other systems. All we wanted was a place that would be our home.

We have made new friendships, forged new alliances. We are constantly looking for ways to secure our home as well as possible. But that's a story for another time.