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About Blue Rockets

Name: Blue Rockets
Allegiance: Federation
Power: Li Yong-Rui
Language: English
Timezone: Wellington

PvERelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCMattman8464 [BLUK]
Squadron commander: Mattman8464
Members: 13
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 625 days
Welcome Commanders. 

  The Blue Rockets piolet group does a little bit of everything. If it's fighting in Conflicts, Resource Hazardous sites, Explorations, Engineering idea's, Mass trade runs, and more. Looking for more members to grow our player base plus, helping ours find a chill Squadron.


                                                                                                     "Come fly with us, Commander's."