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About Sine Terra Nullus Rex

Name: Sine Terra Nullus Rex
Allegiance: Independent
Language: Spanish
Timezone: Madrid

RoleplayRelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMinersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
Squadron commander: Topo Estepario
Members: 9
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 683 days

In coalition with:
Unknown Infinite Worlds

Flota nómada, nuestra casa son nuestros Fleet-Carriers.

No somos buenos.
No somos piadosos.
No somos educados.

Recorremos la galaxia derrocando sistemas de gobierno perversos, instaurando en ellos democracias o anarquías.

... pero nuestros principios tienen un precio.


Una horda de desterrados

Una Tríada de facciones imperiales atacaron nuestro hogar. Nuestra facción, hasta entonces próspera, empezó a ser barrida de todo el sector. Ellos aún luchan por mantener los vestigios de una gloria que no volverá. Nosotros vimos la necesidad de combatir el mal en su propio infierno y fuimos desterrados para que con nuestro sacrificio ellos pudieran tener un futuro.

Aún hoy luchamos contra el Imperio sobreviviendo como soldados de fortuna, ayudando a facciones atropelladas por la avaricia de las grandes potencias.

Si un poderoso te ataca y tienes la suerte de encontrarnos quizás puedas contratarnos.

Nomadic fleet, our home is our Fleet-Carriers.

We are not good.
We are not pious.
We are not nice.

We travel the galaxy overthrowing perverse government systems, establishing democracies or anarchies in them.

... but our principles come at a price.


A horde of outcasts

A Triad of Imperial factions attacked our home. Our faction, until then prosperous, began to be swept away from the entire sector. They still fight to maintain the vestiges of a glory that will not return. We saw the need to fight evil in their own hell and we were banished so that with our sacrifice they could have a future.

Even today we fight against the Empire surviving as soldiers of fortune, helping factions run over by the greed of the great powers.

If a powerful attack you and you are lucky enough to find us, maybe you can hire us.