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About The Pioneer Project

Name: The Pioneer Project
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Arizona

PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCSnoochy Boochy [PIPR]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Snoochy Boochy
Members: 9
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 592 days

Headquarters: Mandhrithar
Supported minor faction: Pilots Trade Network
Supported minor faction: Independent Pilots Consortium

Welcome Commander and Explorer!

The Pioneer Project is a deep space pilot support program, with the intent of seeking out deep space refuges for the further expansion of humankind outside of the Bubble. It also serves to provide points of service to assist pilots out in the vastness of the black.

"I intend to provide not only data acquisition services and hangar support for the expeditionary pilot, but to increase galactic coverage in the search for a suitable new region for human habitat, much like how the Colonia recovery came to be, just without the "accident". The more human habitats the better, given recent events of the Thargoid incursion. I've no doubt in the effort and ability to protect the cradle of humanity, and although I actively contribute to the war effort it's not unwise to continue our expansion, our outreach, among the stars to preserve our race should the worse happens. The Pioneer Fleet hopes to provide the means toward that effort. Humanity first." ~CMDR Snoochy Boochy

The Pioneer fleet was first commissioned and established in September of 3307, with Pioneer II (HNX-1XG) taking its first steps in seeking out a safe haven for humanity and providing the means of transporting colonists and habitation resources. The fleet finalized in October of 3308, with Pioneer X (T9F-G2N) completing construction and staffing. Pioneer is now fully operational at nine carriers strong.

The majority of the fleet may usually be seen anchored at berth of Mandhrithar A 1 awaiting deployment orders.

"Please, join me in this grand journey into the great beyond, with a mind filled with purpose and a heart filled with resolve. Let's work alongside one another to fulfill what once was a simple vision that has today culminated into a truly real movement of unique individuals, our peers, who all share a passionate drive in sealing our species' existence amongst the stars."