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About The Way of the Asp

Name: The Way of the Asp
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualOpenAnti-xeno activistsExplorersMinersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
  • PCThe Way of the Asp [ASPS]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Mace Andarion
Members: 10
Supporters: 7
Squadron age: 656 days

In coalition with:
A.C.E. Exploration
The Way of the Asp

Squadron Mission
We are Bad Asp. We go anywhere, do anything (sometimes it is even legal). Our drinks are always large. We shoot first and sometimes can manage a question after...bolder than bold, cooler than cool...We never give up or run away (unless it is really dangerous). We may be Budding Botanists, Extravagant Traders, Ninja Commandos or Eccentric Explorers....and some of us are okay at shooting stuff (if it stands still that is)....but the thing that binds us is that none of us are asps. This is The Way of the Asp.

Squadron rules

- Don't be an Asp
- Don't shout at Nik

Commanders who want to learn The Way will have their request to join put to a vote by the current Asps. A successful application requires the organization of a Bad Asp event by the applicant. And it better be fun...

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