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About Ghostrider Cavalry

Name: Ghostrider Cavalry
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMentorsTraders

In-game name:
  • PCGhostrider Cavalry [GHCV]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Jubz5
Members: 8
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 489 days
The Cavalry has arrived! We are a carrier based group of misfits that enjoy teaming up to take on any and everything Elite: Dangerous has to offer. We require Trade-Broker and Exploration-Scout in order to join the squadron. Everyone is welcome to join the discord, where we coordinate team ups and are glad to help newer CMDR's get on their feet.
GHCV Discord