About Vela City Navy
Name: Vela City Navy
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
In-game name:
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
PvECQCRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMinersTraders
In-game name:
- PCVela City Navy [VCNY]
Squadron commander: L0lb0t
Members: 7
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 496 days
Headquarters: Cate [Vela City]
Related minor faction: Vela City Navy
Members: 7
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 496 days
Headquarters: Cate [Vela City]
Related minor faction: Vela City Navy
We welcome any applicants who would wish to join us and are looking for some casual fun with a purpose.
With the introduction of power play we have aligned ourselves with Felicia Winters. We currently do not require Winters alignment for squadron membership though of course it is highly recommended.
We are a proud member of the OSFA which is a wonderful larger community of Federal squadrons.