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About Dragons of Nastrond

Name: Dragons of Nastrond
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

In-game name:
  • PCBastila Surik [0702]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Bastilla Surik
Members: 1
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 473 days

Related minor faction: Dragons of Nastrond
Supported minor faction: Brotherhood of Terra Mater
"Dragons of Nastrond [0702]"

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where darkness meets the unknown, the Dragons of Nastrond stand vigilant. Drawing inspiration from the ancient tales of serpents and the mysteries of Norse legends, we are a squadron that has mastered the art of navigating the void. From the seasoned wisdom of our Serpent Sages to the eager spirit of our Nidhogg Novices, we are united in purpose and bound by the shared quest for knowledge, adventure, and camaraderie. Join us as we voyage through the stars, leaving our mark and forging our legacy.

Come join us at