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About Miners Corporation

Name: Miners Corporation
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Berlin

PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
  • PCMiners Corporation [MICO]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Technotika
Members: 29
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 188 days

Headquarters: HIP 1185
Related minor faction: Rock Pack
In coalition with:
Church Justice
We are the Miners Corporation.
Our Ships are Yellow to warn you and we use the ID: MICO or [MICO].

We are dedicated brave Miners and collect all Materials/Metals found in Pristine Rings.

The best spots to mine are the overlaping Hotspots for specific Metals and the harsh conditions of a Hazardous Ressource Site. These haz res sites provide a 100% Bonus to the mineable fragments which doubles the outcome!

We always want to build wings for social contact and protection. Mining in a wing in haz res site is the best method having fun and get the most out of the miningtrip. Beware there will be no Police and alot of Pirates!

Guestworker are always welcome! Your Cargo Hold is completly yours. You can do with it whatever you like. But we would love to see, that you sell on our Carriers. We raised the Prices for only mineable Metals/Minerals significant! You dont reli to Platinum when you mine for us!

Since we are operating in open we see us forced to have "Executioners" in our rows to give extra protection for our mining operations. We hire your guns!

Thanks for beeing with us! See you in the Rings!

Ps: Pls register at and Do the Join Request to our Squadron

You can join with every ship. Its about playing the game!
We are willing to teach.

Everyone is welcome.


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