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About Bacons Warpigs

Name: Bacons Warpigs
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayDevoted/hardcoreOpenBounty huntersFaction supportersPirates

In-game name:
  • PCBacons Warpigs [BWAR]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Beerbelly B. Bacon
Members: 2
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 154 days

Headquarters: LP 417-213 [Bacon Station]
Related minor faction: Bacons Warpigs
Supported minor faction: Revolutionary Wolf 510 Republic Party
In the tumultuous LP 417-213 system, where crime and corruption have festered in the dark recesses of its many planets and space stations, a unique entity has emerged from the shadows: a security company whose operatives are known as the "Bacons Warpigs." This organization, a hybrid of law enforcement and mercenary group, operates from the infamous Moore Penal Colony, also known as "the Qube". Under the leadership of the shrewd and enigmatic lawyer Beerbelly B. Bacon, who also serves as the prison's director, the Bacons Warpigs have carved out a notorious reputation across the galaxy.

Beerbelly B. Bacon, a man of remarkable stature and even greater cunning, conceived the Bacons Warpigs as a solution to two pressing problems: the overpopulation of the Moore Penal Colony and the insatiable demand for deniable assets in a universe rife with violence and clandestine conflicts. Drawing upon his legal expertise and a deep understanding of human nature, Bacon devised a system wherein prisoners could undertake perilous missions in exchange for potential rehabilitation or sentence reduction.

The missions assigned to the Warpigs are invariably high-risk and often deemed as suicide assignments. They range from sabotage operations on rival corporations to covert assassinations of political figures. These tasks are the ones no conventional force would touch, either due to their inherent danger or the political fallout they might generate. By employing prisoners—viewed as expendable by both society and their overseers—Bacon found an almost limitless resource to exploit for these hazardous endeavors.

The Bacons Warpigs have become a valuable asset to those in power, including multinational corporations and rogue governmental factions. These entities, eager to maintain a veneer of legitimacy and avoid any direct connection to the dirty deeds necessary for their survival and expansion, hire the Warpigs through clandestine channels. Thus, the Warpigs have become a feared and loathed presence in the underbelly of the galaxy, their actions shrouded in secrecy and speculation.

Publicly, the Bacons Warpigs maintain a thin guise of legitimacy through the "Butchers' Brewery," a newspaper that originated within the prison walls but has since expanded its reach across multiple star systems. Ostensibly a press agency, the Butchers' Brewery publishes a mix of investigative journalism and sensationalist exposés, leveraging the information and connections acquired through their mercenary activities. The newspaper provides an effective cover for the Warpigs, allowing them to operate as journalists or private investigators in public.

The individuals comprising the Bacons Warpigs are among the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. Their backgrounds include everything from serial murders and high-stakes heists to complex cybercrimes and organized crime leadership. Despite their lethal skills and checkered pasts, these operatives are held on a tight leash by Bacon and his trusted lieutenants, who enforce a brutal discipline to ensure compliance and efficiency.

Behind the scenes, whispers circulate about the true extent of Beerbelly B. Bacon's influence. Many suspect that the numerous space stations and planetary installations bearing the Bacon family name are not merely legitimate business ventures but fronts for various illegal activities. These facilities are rumored to be involved in everything from smuggling and arms dealing to human trafficking and black market trade. While no concrete evidence has surfaced, the sheer scale and opulence of these operations hint at the immense wealth and power wielded by Bacon.

Beerbelly B. Bacon's dual role as prison director and head of the Bacons Warpigs allows him to manipulate both the penal system and the criminal underworld to his advantage. He uses the prisoners as pawns in a vast game of interstellar chess, their lives expendable in pursuit of his broader ambitions. Yet, for the prisoners themselves, the Warpigs represent a slim chance at redemption—or at the very least, a fleeting taste of freedom before their inevitable demise.

As the galaxy continues to spiral into chaos, the Bacons Warpigs stand ready to answer the call of those who can afford their services, leaving a trail of destruction and whispers of their deeds in their wake. In a universe where morality is often overshadowed by survival, the Bacons Warpigs thrive, embodying the required ruthless pragmatism.