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About PRYSM Organization Ltd

Name: PRYSM Organization Ltd
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC


In-game name:
  • PCPRYSM Organization Ltd [PRYM]
Squadron commander: Ender_Wiggin_315
Members: 2
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 142 days

Headquarters: Kolhynichi
Related minor faction: PRYSM Organization
The "PRYSM Organization Ltd." is a specialized consortium established with the primary aim of bolstering the efforts of the original PRYSM Organization, which was founded by survivors of the Thargoid attacks in 3304. This auxiliary entity dedicates itself to providing critical support in the form of safe haven systems and essential supplies, thereby enabling the PRYSM Organization to effectively achieve its goals of combating the alien threat.

Comprised of philanthropists, strategists, and logistics experts, PRYSM Organization Ltd. operates on the principle of solidarity and assistance. It functions as a backbone to the original PRYSM, ensuring that those on the front lines have access to secure retreats, medical facilities, and a steady flow of resources necessary for their mission. Through establishing well-fortified systems as sanctuaries and maintaining robust supply chains, PRYSM Organization Ltd. empowers its counterpart to maintain resilience in the face of adversity and continue their vital work with enhanced efficiency and sustainability. This strategic partnership underscores a deep-seated commitment to unity and mutual support in the ongoing struggle against extraterrestrial adversaries.