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About Wanderers of Ulthar

Name: Wanderers of Ulthar
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloExplorersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Katzov Ulthar
Members: 24
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 2911 days

Headquarters: LHS 20 [Ohm City]
Supported minor faction: Movement for LHS 20 Liberals
Supported minor faction: Democrats of Kalak
Welcome to the Wanderers of Ulthar!

We are an exploration and research based squadron, made up of commanders from all over the world.  
We intend to travel previously unexplored regions in our galaxy, and to hopefully discover many other aliens races with the sole intent of opening peaceful relations with them.

As the founder of this group, I also intend to find the Thargoid home world in an attempt to open peace negotiations with them.  To this end, I charge all squadron members to research all possible avenues that could lead us to their home system.  All the information we need is out there, we just need to go and find it!

Over the last three years, I myself have researched the Guardians and studied the Thargoids and there is a lot of information around that could lead us to them.

The squadron is open to all, we will need more than just those with a passion for exploration and research.  We will need miners, traders and warriors!
There is no prejudice here, all are equal.  This is also a message we will spread throughout the galaxy!

If adventure in the black is what you seek, then we're the squadron for you!

Fly safe, see you in the black o7