About Drifter Company
Squadron commander: DevArchitect
Members: 13
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 2902 days
Headquarters: LHS 6309
Related minor faction: Drifters
Members: 13
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 2902 days
Headquarters: LHS 6309
Related minor faction: Drifters
Drifter Company is a wing without playtime restrictions and without responsibilities. Drifters are free acting entities with no defined moral code.
Drifters are however prohibited from combat logging and griefing or ganking new players.
Check out our new Discord!
Note to Allies: We do not require our members to create profiles in Inara, so our player count here does not accurately reflect our faction. Rather, we maintain an Xbox Club called 'The Drifter Company'. A website is being built as a skunkworks project and we will post it here when ready.