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About Black Hole Syndicate

Name: Black Hole Syndicate
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Reissyboy
Members: 31
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 2720 days
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Black Hole Syndicate░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

We are a player faction that welcomes all federation, empire and alliance players looking to form as the one group!
We have no great intentions of war but we will defend ourselves if threatened!
We will fight to protect what is right!

BHS Commander: reissyboy


█▓▒░We Fight, We Protect and We Die Together!░▒▓█

  • Experienced and New players welcome!
  • All ages welcome, MUST be mature
  • Mic is needed


  • Transporting goods all over the Galaxy
  • Protecting convoys
  • Protecting VIP'S
  • Bounty hunting any criminals
  • Exploring the void
  • Kicking back and cracking open a cold one!


↘ Lore of BHS ↙
Black Hole Syndicate was formed by CMDR reissyboy. he has been in many groups and seen many wars, wars with the feds and empire (both sides) and has been pirate. After retiring from a life of Guns, Blood and Grieving he decided to become a trader for many years trying to make an honest living. But with his past still chasing him he was never far from a fight. alcohol took over a drunken mess. no trade company could trust this drunk... then one day he vanished.....
not a trace of him was left, no clothes, ships nothing... this happened days before the thargoids made their disruptive appearance.
MAY 2nd 3303 was the date CMDR reissyboy appeared again in the Pub on McMullen ring (Millese) his regular hangout before his disappearance. he had but 1 goal! to bring anyone who is against these petty wars against the federation, empire and alliance into one group. this groups name would be BHS, Black Hole Syndicate.
BHS lookout for our own and fight along side our allies!