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About People's Dictatorships Union

Name: People's Dictatorships Union
Allegiance: Independent
Language: French
Squadron commander: Camarade-Chef
Members: 5
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 2633 days

Headquarters: Kokojawa
Related minor faction: People's Dictatorships Union
The PDU is a union of labour unions, cooperatives and socialist parties lead by a popular assembly. Members of this assembly are chosen randomly from the local population. The Union's official representative, the Comrade-Leader, is charged with debate moderation and the signature of new laws (which he may not refuse). The Comrade-Leader is elected every 10 years via universal suffrage. Economically, the PDU is based on a reformed socialist system, in which the accumulation of wealth is allowed below a value voted by the assembly. In this system, patronage is replaced by a worker's congress