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About DRTY Company

Name: DRTY Company
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Squadron commander: Rokstar391
Members: 21
Supporters: 15
Squadron age: 2622 days
We're an independent group of mercenaries, bounty hunters, and logistical pilots. If you have a problem with pirates, murderers, traitors, BGS flipping, or a war that needs fighting contact DRTY Co. and submit a contract. The details will remain private between parties.

We are experts in combat and engineering with each member bringing his or her skills to the fight as a unique weapon. Each veteran member is battle hardened and skilled in tactics, command and weaponry systems. Our veterans are also open to passing on their trade to newer and less experienced pilots.

If you made it thru all that RP bullshit then good deal. We like to party with our pants off and gun the bajesus out of folk sometimes for money most times for fun.

Must have good sense of humor and a willingness to get shot at a lot by literally everyone including but not limited to; other factions cmdrs, your own squad mates, stations, lowkies cheat beam, premium missile spam, gimbleds scrubs sub targeting your chaff, smaller stations, atf (old Rosco P Coltranes at it again), and many many more things.

It's also recommended to be riding in a lifted 87' Faulcon DeLacy Cobra. Well allow phone book lifts but we prefer home depot garden bricks.

Those ally guys down there at the bottom of the page are also getting shot at. #haaaaands