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About Duval Angels

Name: Duval Angels
Allegiance: Empire
Language: Polish
Timezone: UTC

PvECQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCBlue Angels [BLAN]
  • PCDuval Angels [DUAN]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Elite Galaxy
Members: 24
Supporters: 7
Squadron age: 2669 days
Duval Angels is the elite squadron of the best pilots in the galaxy ever to exist. It was created after the death of both parents of princess Aisling Duval. The sole purpose of the squadron is to protect the princess. Only the best pilots are recruited. These pilots must be of impeccable service and unquestionable fidelity to her royal Majesty. Being a member of these forces is considered the greatest possible honor in every corner of the galaxy.