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About The Yellow Sign

Name: The Yellow Sign
Allegiance: Thargoids
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Mad King Hastur
Members: 18
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 2544 days

Headquarters: Mel 22 Sector ZU-P c5-1
In coalition with:
42nd Squadron
We are The Yellow Sign and we want you.

    We are building a community with big plans for our Galaxy, and we will have much to offer you. The larger our Community, the more successful we will be and the more everyone benefits.

    Currently we have a small group of leaders with whom you will soon become very familiar with.

    Here is what we intend to do:

    • Train new recruits in the roles of combat, trade, exploration, and politics and encourage you to decide your preference to focus on. We as the leaders will invest our time into you to ensure you are proficient in all roles and superior in the one you will main within our community. We have plans for you, and you will gain more insight into what those plans are as you rank up within The Yellow Sign.
    • Once we have a good amount of members in each role we intend to make our name well known by lending our services to those who want protection, stations who desire economic assistance, those who wish to expand into new systems, and factions who wish to secure alliances to benefit all parties and cement their position as a power, just like us. We need our superior Combat Pilots, Merchants, Explorers, and Diplomats to make this happen. We will begin to get into specifics once you become a trusted member in our ranks.
    • Our higher-ups have a great interest in Xenobiology and we know that we have much to learn from alien races like the Thargoids and their societies. We believe that understanding the Thargoids will greatly assist us in protecting our fellow Commanders from their attacks and even possibly prevent the  complete annihilation of our race, or theirs.

    We intend to earn our place in the Galaxy and make a home for our Community where all will feel welcome. Join us now, while we are in our early stages and it will be much easier for you to spend one-on-one time with our leaders and together we will all build our ranks up to a comfortable position. From there you will be able to help us train new recruits and learn the secrets of The Yellow Sign.

Have you seen it?

You will.