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About Sirius Special Forces

Sirius Special Forces

Sirius Special Forces was founded in late 3303 by members of Sirius Gov looking to pursue a more active role in safeguarding Li Yong-Rui space.

The SSF doctrine is aligned closely with the interests of the parent subsidiary, primarily concerned with upholding corporate control in systems beneficial to the mega-corporation’s governmental services.

While other sub-divisions of Sirius are more product-oriented, the SSF represents a paramilitary branch, willing to explore all available options when the paths of diplomacy and fair trade prove less than sufficient.


Should you be interested in flying with us - please feel free to join our discord!
New members always welcome!


Basic Rules:
  • SSF CMDRs do not grief other pilots. Do not fire on other pilots, unless first fired upon.
    PvP in combat zones or powerplay related combat is considered legit gameplay.
  • SSF CMDRs do not combat log. It's only a game.
  • SSF CMDRs fly in all game modes, but we encourage open play.
  • SSF CMDRs support all playstyles, whether trading, exploring, mining, bounty hunting, powerplay, Pve or PvP etcetera but primarily we are a group focused on playing the BGS (background simulation).
  • SSF CMDRs always respect others. No trolling, no insulting, no reason to become personal, we are all human beings deserving of respect and courtesy.

Real Life:

We are an international group of reasonable people from various backgrounds and age groups, from generation Z to boomers. While we are passionate about the game, we are people with real life work/employment, families and all other environmental circumstances. We always encourage our members to prioritise real life commitments, including physical and mental health, above all else.

We are happy to help and support all our team members - whether new or veteran - with advice and in-game resources.

Should you be looking for a friendly, laid back group to play and coordinate with, please don't hesitate to join us!

Best regards, have fun and take care!