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About Chaotic Overlords of RA

Name: Chaotic Overlords of RA
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada)

PvEPvPCQCRoleplayFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PSChaotic Overlords of Ra [CORa]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Magusstrix
Members: 22
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 2331 days

Headquarters: Ra
The Journey Home

There is a calling to each of us every time we look upon the stars. We feel a need to seek out and find our place, our path and ourselves. The Strix Dynasty was founded around the basic desire to reach our true potential by coming together. They rose to power on Earth utilizing advanced terraforming techniques to develop radical new agricultural systems. Seeing an opportunity to establish their own power in the universe the dynasty formed an advanced faster-than-light fleet and set course for the system of Ra. On arrival, the system was explored in great detail and the travellers quickly began colonizing their new home. Completing construction of multiple space stations, terraforming multiple planets and establishing industrial agricultural production facilities.

Then the war between the Federation and Empire enveloped Ra, as decendants of the Egyptian pharaoh's the dynasty sided with the Empire. The battles raged for countless years and eventually turned into a cold war. With no support from the Empire, Amun-Ra chose to save his people from bloodshed and agreed to surrender the system to the Federation. The Federation accepted and the Strix Dynasty began a new chapter in their history. Secretly they had issued orders to all the remaining families, orders to fully support the newly formed Galactic Cooperative of Worlds. To secure positions of military power and become familiar with each of the super powers tactical abilities.

For hundreds of years, generations served and reinforced themselves within the Galcop Navy until the final order was executed. With INRA replacing Galcops for its failure to repel the thargoid invasion, commanders ordered their loyal officers to save the Royal Family and rally near the Ra system. The direct descendant of Amen-Strix then unifies the remaining families with a new banner and the Chaotic Overlords of Ra are formed under the leadership of MagusStrix. Equipped with a battle fleet of experienced military officers they’ve come to reclaim their home system of Ra and usher in a new era for the Dynasty.

What is COR

• A wing who has grown to become one of PS4's most recognized PVP mercenary groups
• Specializing in ship loadouts, dog fighting, engineering mechanics and most importantly pilot development  
• Our pilots fly with confidence knowing that their COR brothers and sisters have got their six!!
• Operating with clear codes of conduct including defending the weak from the wolves of space and a zero tolerance clogging policy.
• A group of mature like minded individuals who utilize all aspects of the elite universe to ensure its community continues to fly Dangerously!!

Chaotic Activities

• Multi Wing PvP engagements
• Community Goal Security Enforcement - Providing support to community
• Good ol fashioned dueling both in house and in the black - Honorable engagements unless your KOS
• Coordinated operations with our Allied wings
• Exploration, trading and mining divisions to pursue all avenues of the elite verse
• Background Simulation Team devoted to seeing our Dynasty rise
• Thargoid Operations
• Pirating the great wide black as nature intended, reeking all manner of chaos upon those poor unfortunate souls that stray between our cannons gaze!

Application Process


Minimum 18 years of age
Combat Rank of Expert
Must have an open mind and basic sense of humor
Basic understanding of Elite 
Love for this game! 

We welcome any that would seek their destiny among the stars, come tame or create chaos with us!!

Join us in our Discord channel.

Tuts Pub

Look for CORa tags in game and 7 up o7

Fly Dangerous Cmdrs o7