About Dijkstra PLC - BGS Assistance
Name: Dijkstra PLC - BGS Assistance
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
In-game name:
Squadron Discord ︎
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
PvEPvPRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPiratesTraders
In-game name:
- PSDijkstra PLC [DPLC]
- PCDijkstra PLC PC [DJKP]
Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Lancer_206
Members: 22
Supporters: 5
Squadron age: 2349 days
Headquarters: Dijkstra
Related minor faction: Dijkstra PLC
Members: 22
Supporters: 5
Squadron age: 2349 days
Headquarters: Dijkstra
Related minor faction: Dijkstra PLC
BGS Assistance
Dijkstra PLC is a squadron consisting of BGS experts and regular members wanting to learn more of the BGS. We also offer mentoring and support to all of our members. If you're interested in joining us click the link and fill out the questions.
To join our ranks there are a few steps you need to take (these need to be done in order for approval):
‣ Step 1: Apply to the squadron on inara.
‣ Step 2: Join our discord with the link below and introduce yourself.
‣ Step 3: Once you have been approved on Inara and Discord you will then need to join our ingame squadron 'Dijkstra PLC [DPLC]' or Dijkstra PLC PC [DJKP]
[Please note that applications to the ingame squadron who are not in our discord and inara wing will be denied indefinitely]
Need help with the BGS?
Let Dijkstra PLC assist you in getting your faction ready for the first steps or by waging a BGS war against another faction!
We offer our services of BGS work, whether you are wanting control of a system, expansion, establishing and improving security or use the bgs to make another faction retreat. With our experience, we can provide you with instructions and assistance to make it happen!
If you require our services, please join our discord server and follow the instructions.
If you are one of our allies or coalition members follow the instructions on discord.
“Sidera nostra sint tua”
Dijkstra PLC Discord link